About the Authors
Barry & Lori Byrne
Nothing Hidden Ministries was launched by a dream from God. The ministry is a unique blend of the Holy Spirit's working through Barry Byrne’s background as a marriage and family therapist and Lori Byrne’s heritage as a fourth-generation pastor. Together the Holy Spirit uses them to lead couples, singles and families into spiritual, emotional and sexual wholeness. They are on staff at Bethel Church and delight in their four sons, daughters-in-law and their grandchildren who are all involved in various ways with the ministry.
Brendon Byrne
Brendon Byrne is a life coach, speaker, and author. With a degree in Psychology and years of experience as a men’s purity group leader, Brendon has helped countless individuals move towards sexual purity, freedom in areas of struggle, and deeper connection in their relationships and with God. He’s committed to empowering others like you to continually move toward the abundant life we are all meant to live.
Jeremy Byrne
Jeremy Byrne has completed two years of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Jeremy has his own relationship coaching practice, is a licensed cosmetologist (hairstylist), a commercial actor, co-hosts a podcast, writes music with his brother Justin as part of the duo Jer & Jaws, and has a YouTube channel with his wife. He combines his life experience with God, his talents as an entertainer, and genuine love for people to lead singles into breakthrough while having fun.
Justin Byrne
Justin Byrne is a musician/songwriter who has written and co-written many songs performed by Bethel Church (Redding) and Jesus Culture. He brings a passion to see God transform lives in the workshops and shares his story with vulnerability and humor.